Saturday, December 8, 2007

That's it! I'm going full force (160 lbs) now I am gaining weight again. UGH! I had some gluten free cereal with milk this morning...and immediately felt agitated and tingly. now I have to avoid dairy too? Well...maybe not. I looked at my food diary and the first week I had coffee in the morning with my usual small amount of milk and splenda. Then I just ate rice, veggies, fruit and corn chips.

This week however...I started getting a bit creative and been having more food. So I have been having cereal or chocolate milk, etc. And now that I am looking at my food diary..too much milk seems to bloat me up. Nothing new there...but from what I am really start to see what gives you reactions when you eliminate foods and you still get reactions with other foods.

So now I know. So after this morning's saga...I have only eaten fruit, veggies and a small amount of cheese. No issue..I feel great. And I stepped on the scale (not that I should have done that in the middle of the day)...but I did...and I am the same weight as I was this morning..which tells me that hopefully I will be down tomorrow. of now my friends..I am going full force. I remember when I started the low carb diet..I stuck to the basics. Eggs and bacon for breakfast, tuna salad for lunch and meat and salad for dinner and the pounds were coming right off. But as soon as I started playing around with recipes and making low carb shakes, etc.....I was having issues. Dairy always stalled me..but I didn't think about it til now. So..I will have a little dairy..but not go overboard.

It's veggies, fruit, proteins, and rice for me! Oh..and wine! Can't forget the wine! ha ha.

Until then my friends!

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