Sunday, December 9, 2007

Back on Track (159.5 lbs)

Well..I immediately did damage control when I realized that too much dairy in my diet can cause the same effect as gluten. I don't think I will do a gluten/casein free diet just yet. I only notice it when I have more than 1 cup's worth of milk at one time. If I put some in my's no biggy.

Oh...and I had the rest of the shrimp, veggies and rice that I made the other day in which I thought it was the oil in it that was giving me problems. wasn't. I definitely blame that hair gel that I accidentally ingested. Who would think they would be eating their own hair gel? Gross, I know. But you don't think about it when you are just pulling your hair back in a ponytail and then handling your food. It only took that to give me the reaction. Crazy.

Well...I am trying to put my daughter on the same diet because she tends to be overly emotional..and I know I can be that way. And if diet has cured is worth a try. The good thing is...I am getting her to eat healthier. Plus...her belly still looks like a toddler's. And I believe it's bloatiness. It's enough to have to watch your own diet..but to take away the yummy stuff from a kid? So I am going to try my best and allow her to have the yummy foods in moderation and see how that works.'s not life threatening when she eats these foods. She's not going to escape it at school or at family gatherings.

Anywho.....I am determined. I haven't had any gluten (except the hidden ones) since realizing that I had a gluten issue. I was at a birthday party and I had no cravings for the pizza or cake. What motivates me is knowing that if I ate that..I would feel horrible afterwards. I stuck with the cheese, veggies and fruit.

Until then....

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