Monday, December 17, 2007

Finally (158.5 lbs) we got a Wii the other day and I have been playing with it since! So now I am sore! So exercise plus I have been busy running around yesterday so I didn't eat as much as I normally the weightloss going again.

But again..since I feel that I should start taking care of myself before I end up on medication for high blood pressure or cholesterol....I really haven't had the wants to "cheat"...even with the lack of weightloss lately. I just don't want to. I feel better eating this way. I don't have the emotional ups and downs and my energy levels are great!

Anywho.....until then..

Sunday, December 16, 2007

No weight loss...but keeping on this! (160 lbs)

I don't understand the lack of weightloss. I am frustrated..but I want to continue this journey because I do feel 100% better. I am not sure if it makes you smart of not..but I do feel more alert these days.

I have to's very difficult to avoid salt. It's everywhere. It's not so bad if you are long as you eat fresh foods, rice, etc. I think...not sure...but I think the only thing keeping me from losing weight is still portion control. I have been eating 3-4 meals a day these days. I thought...if they are healthy meals.....that should be okay. Well....I suppose it is if I want to maintain this I haven't been gaining any..and I have been eating alot. But I am going to have to cut my portions down alot.

I didn't realize that salt (like sugar) is a HUGE appetite stimulant. That alone keeps me from wanting to grab the salt shaker. I have been using Mrs. Dash-sodium free salt on my food.

Well....hopefully my next post will show something more exciting!

Until then....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Too much salt! (159.5 lbs)

My friend who has her son on a gluten/casein free diet told me about how you start to figure out what to avoid when you do the "elimination" diet. So....I have been gluten free for 3 weeks now and more weight loss! So frustrating..but then I realized the hidden gluten in hair gels and other foods that I thought were okay. THEN..I thought I was ingesting too much dairy. Well..I found another culprit! Salt! Oh my goodness...I took a good look back on my usual dietary intake on sodium..and it was HIGH! I think I ate more than the daily requirement.

I think I started looking at that because I still felt bloaty and tingly at times..even when I was eating gluten free. And after I cut out most of my dairy. Yesterday I took note of that and ate a low sodium diet and I felt 100% better. I stayed gluten free of course. I researched sodium..and it's just as much an appetite stimulant as sugar.

So I am on my next venture to continue to eat healthier. Now mind you....I did do a cheat the other day. Ballooned up 4lbs. I was frustrated with the lack of weight loss...and then I realized the salt I am back down from those 4 lbs. So wish me luck that my future blogs will reflect a lower weight!

Until then!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Back on Track (159.5 lbs)

Well..I immediately did damage control when I realized that too much dairy in my diet can cause the same effect as gluten. I don't think I will do a gluten/casein free diet just yet. I only notice it when I have more than 1 cup's worth of milk at one time. If I put some in my's no biggy.

Oh...and I had the rest of the shrimp, veggies and rice that I made the other day in which I thought it was the oil in it that was giving me problems. wasn't. I definitely blame that hair gel that I accidentally ingested. Who would think they would be eating their own hair gel? Gross, I know. But you don't think about it when you are just pulling your hair back in a ponytail and then handling your food. It only took that to give me the reaction. Crazy.

Well...I am trying to put my daughter on the same diet because she tends to be overly emotional..and I know I can be that way. And if diet has cured is worth a try. The good thing is...I am getting her to eat healthier. Plus...her belly still looks like a toddler's. And I believe it's bloatiness. It's enough to have to watch your own diet..but to take away the yummy stuff from a kid? So I am going to try my best and allow her to have the yummy foods in moderation and see how that works.'s not life threatening when she eats these foods. She's not going to escape it at school or at family gatherings.

Anywho.....I am determined. I haven't had any gluten (except the hidden ones) since realizing that I had a gluten issue. I was at a birthday party and I had no cravings for the pizza or cake. What motivates me is knowing that if I ate that..I would feel horrible afterwards. I stuck with the cheese, veggies and fruit.

Until then....

Saturday, December 8, 2007

That's it! I'm going full force (160 lbs) now I am gaining weight again. UGH! I had some gluten free cereal with milk this morning...and immediately felt agitated and tingly. now I have to avoid dairy too? Well...maybe not. I looked at my food diary and the first week I had coffee in the morning with my usual small amount of milk and splenda. Then I just ate rice, veggies, fruit and corn chips.

This week however...I started getting a bit creative and been having more food. So I have been having cereal or chocolate milk, etc. And now that I am looking at my food diary..too much milk seems to bloat me up. Nothing new there...but from what I am really start to see what gives you reactions when you eliminate foods and you still get reactions with other foods.

So now I know. So after this morning's saga...I have only eaten fruit, veggies and a small amount of cheese. No issue..I feel great. And I stepped on the scale (not that I should have done that in the middle of the day)...but I did...and I am the same weight as I was this morning..which tells me that hopefully I will be down tomorrow. of now my friends..I am going full force. I remember when I started the low carb diet..I stuck to the basics. Eggs and bacon for breakfast, tuna salad for lunch and meat and salad for dinner and the pounds were coming right off. But as soon as I started playing around with recipes and making low carb shakes, etc.....I was having issues. Dairy always stalled me..but I didn't think about it til now. So..I will have a little dairy..but not go overboard.

It's veggies, fruit, proteins, and rice for me! Oh..and wine! Can't forget the wine! ha ha.

Until then my friends!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Hair Gel causing the issue? (159.5 lbs)

Oh my goodness. Could it be the hair gel that is causing me to bloat? I bought some from Target on Tuesday and started using it on Wednesday. And now I have been gaining weight and feeling the bloatiness and irritability. UGH!

I ran upstairs this morning to blow dry my hair and I was just about to put the new hair gel on again....until something made my hand flip it around and read the ingredients! Oh my has wheat and oat proteins in it. UGH! Could this be the culprit? I guess I will find out soon enough.

Until then.....

UPDATE:'s evening now and I had oil in my salad and nothing happened. I started to think about that hair gel...and there were more than a few times that I had touched my hair and then touched my food. Especially since I was working with seafood yesterday. Peeling the tails off the shrimps and then getting the crab meat out of the crab that makes so much sense that it was the hair gel and it was ingested.'s good to find an answer. I was really feeling bad yesterday. Bloaty, super hot and irritable beyond belief!

That's all!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Something's up! (159 lbs)'s night time and I am 4 lbs up right now. How? I have no idea..but it couldn't possibly be anything but water weight. My fingers are swelling, my thighs are tingly, I am kinda irritable and hot (temperature wise). It's winter, it's supposed to rain and I am wearing tank top PJ's and might change into shorts instead of the pants that I am wearing. Weird! Something is definitely up.

The only culprit that I can pin down is oil. Canola and Olive oil. Not sure though. But I did try the Shangrila diet in the past and I would gain weight on it. As soon as I stopped it....the weight dropped off again. But why oil? I have to go research.

Until then....

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I did it! (158.5 lbs)

Wow. So I was on a mini vacation this the last two 1/2 days. I brought my gluten notes but you never know with restaurants and what they put in stuff. I did manage to ask the waitress if they had any gluten free meals and she had to ask the chef. I think, just like the low carb diet, this gluten free diet will become more well known. I remember those days.....I had to order stevia and splenda online and gut everything at the restaurant. But then...the Atkin's came back in full force.

So I ate good and drank wine and still managed to lose weight. My husband had some beers at Seaworld and he came back 6 lbs heavier. I avoided the beer! I think this gluten thing is fairly common with alot of folks and they don't even know it. I am trying to get my little girl to eat gluten free stuff now. Trader Joe's has some great gluten free pastas, breads, pancakes and cereals. I think her temperament will be less "drama" without gluten. It's hard to avoid it though with kids since everything is gluten in what they far as convenience foods and happy meals go.

Anywho....I am anxiously awaiting on my Gluten Free diet for Dummies book.

Will keep you posted!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Gluten globbin....(159 lbs)

Wow...what a test. I defintely ate a hidden gluten. That reminds me of those hidden Mickey's at Disneyland. Okay..where am I going with that? Anywho......I felt REALLY tingly in the legs. My fingers were swelling too. Nice eh? So I was really happy to see no weight gain.

So wish me luck..going to San Diego for a couple days and I am going to be tested on how I can eat. I definitely know it's not right after the fact since I get swelled up minutes after. I also noticed that I get irritable. Fun! to you later. If anyone is even reading this. Maybe I am just talking to myself. Oh least I know the conversation will go good. ha ha.

Until then...