Monday, November 12, 2007

Rationalizing is for the birds! (162 lbs)

Yeah I am up 1/2 lb. But I know why. See....I am merely doing this for all of you. I am the guinea pig of here is what NOT to do. ha ha.

Okay....I had my 3 portion plates of food yesterday. My breakfast didn't really make the whole filled about half of it. SO...with that thought....around 10:00pm as I was having a glass of cheap wine and watching Desperate Housewives, I thought "hey..I can have some chips to make up for that half plate of food I didn't have for breakfast". Well....I deserve the small weight gain. A meal is a meal is a meal. If I don't eat it..than tough luck for me. I can't be dividing it up and eating all of it right before I go to bed. So there you have it. :) will be a better day for me. That's a promise.

I'm out!

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