Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I hope! I hope! I hope! (161 lbs) I lost 3 lbs overnight without undereating? Hmmm.....I really think I have a gluten issue. I already feel 100% better. My nicer scale said I lost 4 lbs..but I thought I wouldn't go overboard. :)

I have to say.....trying to be gluten free is a bit difficult. It forces you to eat healthier. It's basically the low carb diet with added goodies like rice, potatoes, corn and fruit. So I know I can do this. The bummer was when I was at Costco looking at the ingredients to all those microwave type dishes and they all had wheat, soy and/or milk as an allergen.

Question this becoming an epidemic? Or are people just more knowledgeable about their own health. My little girl's doctor never told me that her eczema could be a food allergy. He kept telling me it was the weather. took Sherlock Holmes here to finally figure it out. Sigh. Anywho....I am gonna stay gluten free all week and see what happens to my weight, irritability and energy levels. So far so good....and it's only been 24 hours. I don't feel all swelled up today..thank goodness. Hey..I wonder if I will finally have nice legs! ha. soon!

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