Friday, November 30, 2007
Gluten free baby! (159 lbs)
I think I might be on to something!!! I am down 5 lbs since Tuesday.
The test is going out to eat. Wish me luck on that.
Until then my friends....
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I hope! I hope! I hope! (161 lbs)
I have to say.....trying to be gluten free is a bit difficult. It forces you to eat healthier. It's basically the low carb diet with added goodies like rice, potatoes, corn and fruit. So I know I can do this. The bummer was when I was at Costco looking at the ingredients to all those microwave type dishes and they all had wheat, soy and/or milk as an allergen.
Question this becoming an epidemic? Or are people just more knowledgeable about their own health. My little girl's doctor never told me that her eczema could be a food allergy. He kept telling me it was the weather. took Sherlock Holmes here to finally figure it out. Sigh. Anywho....I am gonna stay gluten free all week and see what happens to my weight, irritability and energy levels. So far so good....and it's only been 24 hours. I don't feel all swelled up today..thank goodness. Hey..I wonder if I will finally have nice legs! ha. soon!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A revelation---in experiment mode.....(164 lbs)
There is no reason how I could have gained 3 lbs over night. And I started to think about what I ate and I realized that 1 beer or soy sauce or bread can bloat me up significantly.
When I was LoCarbCris.....I realized that if I had soy sauce.....I would gain 3-4 lbs overnight but lose it in one day if I low carb'd it. I didn't think food allergy...I thought sodium intake. But the same went for beer or any "carb" food. But the "carb" food was a wheat product....and that would stem to gluten. Hmmmmm....I don't know but I am going to do a food journal this week and avoid gluten products. I feel so water retained right's not even funny.
So this ought to be fun. I will keep you posted. And hopefully this weight will fall off. I have been reading that food allergies can cause a huge amount of symptoms. I am going to put myself and my family on a gluten free diet as much as possible.
Anywho....until then....
Sunday, November 25, 2007
It's allllllllllllllll good! (161 lbs)
It kinda reminds me of a route I drive....but now there is construction down the I try to take the back way to avoid all the traffic. BUT...since I am used to going the old way...I forget. So I have to make a mental note everyday to go the back way. will become automatic.
So I am down a pound which I am happy about. I ate more healthier yesterday. In fact..I think I might change up my shopping routine (whoa...another change here). I normally rely on Costco for everything...but the grocery stores carry a different selection and I noticed that yesterday. I bought some vegetables....and man they were good. Especially the radishes. Dang..those are sooooo flippin good. Nice and spicy!
Well anywho...that is my post for the day. I can't wait til I am at least 20 lbs down so I can put a better pic on the blog and update my other pics on the site.
Until then my friends!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Additional info for today....
Anywho....I have been extremely good today. In stomach is growling and I am craving like a mutha...but dinner is soon and I decided to jump on the computer to pass the time. It's working quite well.
Until then....
Boot Camp (162 lbs)
I am gonna have to go ao Boot Camp and shape myself up AND then maybe it will be the new way that I think and act. Just like diet took awhile to acquire the taste of that..but now..I never drink regular sodas. So....I will have to do the same with food.
I am not too bummed...but a bad habit is a bad habit. And it doesn't just end I will be patient....but I know me..and I need the discipline.
Anywho..hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I did. I think I had a bit too much drinkie drinkie so I suffered a nice little headache yesterday. That's always fun...NOT! I kept thinking that food would kick in the aspirin..but it never did. Just sleep.
Okay...well it's a brand new day. The kids have already taken almost all the ornaments OFF the Christmas tree. SIGH. So I have my work cut out for me. I think I will be trimming the tree 10 times a day until Christmas....ha ha.
Until then my friends....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A New Frame of Mind (162 lbs)
So....I know I can have this type of "frame of mind"...I just need to direct it to eating. I also know that if I take the extra 5 minutes to style my hair and put some makeup..I feel pretty. And if I feel pretty..I feel skinny, and if I feel skinny (even if I am not), I act skinny. And if I act skinny, I eat skinny. It's a domino effect.
If you ever heard about The Secret....that is basically what it is. It's the frame of mind. It's how you look at things and believe in things. You can cause your own issues and drama. Believe me..I know firsthand. ha ha.
Okay..well that is my post for the day. Will keep you "posted" on my new project!
Happy Thanksgiving if I don't post tomorrow!
Until then...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Making up for overeating (160 lbs)
I didn't want to overeat because I don't like feeling of being lethargic. But I know I ate more than my portion plate. biggy. Just like the skinny people in the world....they just undereat at the next meal.
So...there you go and I will chat soon!
Until then.....
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Steady and slow wins the race! (160 lbs)
So...there is a book that I read my kids about the infamous turtle and the hare. You know the story....but at the very end, when the turtle wins....he says, "steady and slow wins the race!". I thought that was a good line for weight loss. I would love to lose 10 lbs in 3 days like these crash diets promise you...but all it does it gives you temporary weight loss and alot of loose skin since you didn't give your body enough time to adjust. I am actually more focused in retraining myself to think of food like I do spending money. I don't. I don't shop, I don't have the craving to shop and I can go for weeks with the same $20 bill in my wallet.
I believe that slower weight loss will stay off. Mainly because you have adjusted your eating lifestyle to be permanent. No one stays on a crash diet forever. to you later!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Keepin' up wit' da skinnies! (160.5 lbs)
Made a delicious dinner tonight. Since I am trying to save money too. Went through the freezer to see what we had around here and there was chicken, green beans with almonds and garlic potato wedges. Delicious! Cooking is so much fun. I even used my basil that I am growing outside in my patio. Fun stuff.
Well....the family is playing ball, listening to Johnny Cash, and I am blogging. What is wrong with this picture? Yeah...I best sign off now. :)
Until then....
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Perspective and Appreciation (161 lbs) thing I have noticed is the amount of sleep I don't need from not overeating. I went to bed late and woke up fairly early and I wasn't the least bit tired. It was rather strange actually. But nice. I hate waking up in a fog.
Okay...well I am boring myself now so I am going to stop writing.
Until then....
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Skinny on the Skinny (162 lbs)
So..I interviewed some folks that I know who never suffer with weight problems. You can view it by going to this link:
It's rather interesting to read what they think. All in all....they all don't really think nor care about food much..that seems to be the theme here.
I also thought of a fun gift that I want for Christmas. Don't laugh...but it's one of those hop balls. They actually make them for adults. I am all about making exercise fun. Ha!
Well....that is my post for today. Talk to you later!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Rationalizing is for the birds! (162 lbs)
Okay....I had my 3 portion plates of food yesterday. My breakfast didn't really make the whole filled about half of it. SO...with that thought....around 10:00pm as I was having a glass of cheap wine and watching Desperate Housewives, I thought "hey..I can have some chips to make up for that half plate of food I didn't have for breakfast". Well....I deserve the small weight gain. A meal is a meal is a meal. If I don't eat it..than tough luck for me. I can't be dividing it up and eating all of it right before I go to bed. So there you have it. :) will be a better day for me. That's a promise.
I'm out!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
The Motivator (161.5 lbs)
What I don't miss anymore is the way I felt when I overate. Talk about tired. I can't afford to be tired...I work at home and I take care of my two little ones. Hello!
So if you look at my portion plate pics on my PLAN link off my website: I added some pics at the bottom that shows you how much that portion plate really gives you. I don't plan to bring my little portion plate friend with me to restaurants (as if I eat out all the time..ha ha). BUT...still....say a family gathering or something....I would look like a serious goober with my little pal. So I poured some cheerios on the plate and then I poured the cheerios out of it and onto a regular sized dinner plate and a good sized cereal bowl. That gave me a "guide". I was right on target with what I thought my meals should be. The cheerios filled the dinner plate up to where the rim starts to curve up. For was about 2 cheerios high. So you MUST NOT pile high.....that is what I was doing. Hence why I bought the portion plate. I need the discipline.
Okay....well I have lost a few pounds..feeling good and motivated. I ate regular foods yesterday. I had fast food during lunch as I met a friend and the kids played at the playland. My friend is very thin...naturally. She says she eats alot..but then I asked, "what is alot to you?" She thought about it..and then said, "well my dinner portion is a salad plate full of food". that's not alot. If you ever hear someone tell you that they eat loads and not gain might want to ask in more detail how much "loads" means to them. For me..that's two HUGE dinner plates of food. That was in my head when I asked a salad plate is not loads in my thoughts.
Okay..well that's my post for the day. I wrote a book here. ha ha. Cya.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Willpower-figuring it all out! (163 lbs) I have the willpower to save no problem. It's not even a thought or a craving to go out and spend. In fact..I find it more exciting to save money and pay my bills. Weird, I know. So what stops me from thinking that same way about eating? Just like spending..I am surrounded by items to buy like I am with food. Yet I don't go and buy why do I go and eat it? Hmmm.
Anywho..down a pound today. Hooray. My goal is to NOT snack and try to not think about food so much. Not let it consume my thoughts at all.
Chat later!
The first post (164 lbs.)
So the reason why these journals have officially started now and not earlier when I lost the first 20-some lbs is because I really didn't think I had the motivation to do a website again. I used to have a great one in the past (before kids). I was pretty thin. I did the low carb diet and I went by locarbcris. It's not that I dislike the low carb diet at fact....I love it. But when I really took it's toll. I felt deprived at times too. You tend to not think about food as much if you know you can have anything you want.
So yesterday...I was eating alot of the Halloween candy that my girls collected. How rude huh? Well...I was trying to get rid of it. And what better way to do that than to eat it right? ha ha. was a dumb thing because I was in a funk the rest of the evening. I decided that Friday (today) will be my official "start back up" I decided to just overeat too. Oh wasn't worth it. I felt like crud and I looked like crud. I feel much better today.
I decided to drink iced tea more as it seems to make me full, and it acts as a diuretic too I have noticed. I feel good today..compared to yesterday. I have only indulged in a little bit of candy this time. A few m & m's in my trail mix. :) later.